Writing THE GOLDEN RULE, a new play with music. Touring plans on hold per coronavirus–workshop readings of the three separate stories posted. See GALLERY. Interweaving narratives of an African-American slave, a Chinese woman, and a cowherding Sandwich Islander (Hawaiian) who all arrive in California around the 1849 Gold Rush. Immigration stories of opportunity and xenophobia with disturbing relevance to the political climate today. Commissioned by Asian Story Theater with financial support of California Humanities Council and San Diego Commission for Arts & Culture, scheduled for developmental workshop performances in spring of 2020, touring central California gold country Summer/early Fall of 2021.

Writing the new musical REVOLUCIÓN, celebrating the Mexican Revolution of the early 1900’s as a populist uprising catalyzed by titanic folk heroes Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. Music by Moises Vasquez (South Coast Repertory Theater). Commissioned by Teatro Máscara Mágica, first concert reading scheduled for the company’s new Teatro Máscara Mágica theater residency in the border community of San Ysidro, California (2020).

Note: Temporary link to Gingerlily Lowe Educator sample